Friday, January 21, 2011

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Hans Thoma: " January"

I discovered Hans Thoma through his paintings on the months of the year, and I must say that "January" remains my favorite (no I'm not born in January, total objectivity lol) but this picture is a marvel, both in his treatise, his realism of contents and its meaning, perhaps a reference to the Magi , and a year beginner, so immaculate.

This German artist born in Black Forest Bernau, October 2, 1839 began her career by decorating the clock faces. In 1859 he entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe. His work took him to Dusseldorf to Italy via Paris, Munich and Frankfurt am Main. His reputation was established
and his talent recognized at an exhibition in Munich where he had entrusted 30 paintings. His art studies had linked with the great masters of his era, nevertheless, his style remained relatively impervious to new trends. His youth spent in the Black Forest inspired painting by Hans Thoma, the artist considered the idyllic life. The German masters Albrecht Altdorfer and Lucas Cranach ancestry were also on the work of the artist.
For details his love of nature, his precise drawing, and his predilection for color, his style has affinities with that of net pre-Raphaelites, including his allegories, for the months of the year are not the only subjects representative of this category. Hans Thoma gave face to Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury ...
Some of his paintings are divided into two private collections in Liverpool. A portrait of the artist and two paintings of subjects "The Guardian of the Valley" and "Romance of Spring" are the Gallery of Dresden. "Eve in Paradise" and "The Valley OPEN held by the Museum of Frankfurt. His most important works are "Paradise", "Christ and Nicodemus," "The Flight into Egypt", "Charon", "Pieta," "Adam and Eve" (Museum of Hermitage, St. Petersburg), "Siesta" (Musée d'Orsay, Paris) "Solitude" and "Triton", the artist produced many landscapes and portraits as well as lithographs and drawings in pen, not to mention a few wall hangings including a cafe in Frankfurt, and in the music room of the house of Mr. Pringsheim in Munich.
Hans Thoma died November 24, 1924 in Karlsruhe, at the age of 85.
biography Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

March and April showers

April ... Arrival of Spring ... she annoys the snowman?
May and its reference to the entry of the sign of Gemini (Castor and Pollux)

June month of roses
July and thunderstorms (referring to Jupiter or Vulcan? A bit of both, with the hammer ... I'd rather see Vulcan)

September with a clear reference to the astrological sign of Libra and the Archangel Michael celebrated September 29.
October has something pastoral default Fall of a reference ... But it is the month of birth of the artist ...
November and torrential rains
Hans Thoma: Cat lithography
Document wikimedia


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