Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birthday Invocation Prayer Sample

2010. Shanghai Masters 2010. Qualification Tournament in Shanghai for the Grand Final in Bilbao in October. With in principal roles, Alexei Shirov, Vladimir Kramnik Levon Aronian and Wang Hao of 3 to 8 September 2010. Pgn chess games in Shanghai available .. Round 5, Anand and Shirov join Carlsen in Bilbao but will be the second ....? Round 6 is Kramnik who is qualified to decide! That's it ...

The final phase Chess tournament will be divided into two phases, the first Shanghai 3 to 8 September 2010, and the final stage of the Grand Slam Chess in Bilbao from 9 to 15 October 2010. The two winners will join the Shanghai World champion Viswanathan Anand and world No. 1 Magnus Carlsen in Bilbao.

Did you know.
Shanghai (Chinese: 上海; shànghǎi pinyin pronunciation Shanghainese: zanhe, literally "sea") is the most populous city in China (in terms of urban population) and one of the largest cities the world with more than twenty million people. It is located on the Huangpu River near the mouth of the Yangtze River, east of China.
For more, visit WIKIPEDIA

As tradition dictates the final Grand Slam and Slam "takes place in Bilbao, but here with a preliminary round qualification à Shangai. Les Tournois du Grands Chelem, Corus , Linares ,  Nanjing , Kings Bazna qui a remplacé le M-Tel Masters de Sofia pour cause de championnat du monde d'échecs .

La cadence de jeu: 1H30 pour 40 coups + 1H00 KO avec un incrément de 10 secondes à partir du 41ième coups.

Les règles de Sofia seront appliqués à cause des nulles rapides!

No proposal null and void without the consent of the referee, he may be assisted by a technical assistant.
No Win = 3 points = 1 point Loss: 0 points =

Participants elo rating and ranking in the World 1 September 2010. Levon Aronian

2783 World No. 4 Vladimir Kramnik
2780 World No. 5 Alexei Shirov
2749 World No. 12
Wang Hao 2724 World No. 22


THE DIRECT Parties to 9:00 ....

The festivities

Round 1
Wang vs Aronian 0-1 (35 shots)
Kramnil vs. Shirov 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (58 hits)

Round 2 Aronian vs Shirov
1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (54 shots)
vs Kramnik Wang 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (47 shots)

Round 3 Kramnik vs Aronian
1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (38 shots)
Shirov vs Wang 1-0 (65 shots)

Round 4
Aronian vs Wang 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (50 shots) Shirov vs Kramnik
1-0 (38 shots)
Alexei Shirov
Kramnik Vladimir 2780

Lack of time and offers a range Kramnik Shirov royal who do not pray!

Kramnik has just played 37 .... CE7? Did he intend to attack the pawn with the knight f5 (note that there Kramnik control box ... d6) then attack the Fool white pawn to d4 and h4 white in fact I know nothing .... Shirov and hop 38.Cd6 failure to the King and win the Tour after the coup and wins the game! Even lack of time as this is an ordinary player or a super GM is said to be a gaffe, here .... Player great or small person is immune .... and the worst is that we do not always need to be lack of time .... (:)))

Round 5 Aronian vs Kramnik
0-1 (71 shots) Kramnik technique in the final .....
Wang vs Shirov 0-1 (60 shots) Shirov was not scared, fortunately they did not exchange the ladies at 55th move. Very nice, it's nice parts as ......

That Alexei Shirov has already qualified for the Final Chess Masters in Bilbao in October. He will join Viwanathan Anand World Champion and World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen.
As only the top 2 qualified, they are therefore a vacancy, Kramnik and Aronian, at the sight of the tournament, I think Kramnik has a greater chance to go to Bilbao .... we will see tomorrow ....

Round 6 Shirov vs Aronian
1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (42 shots)
Kramnik vs Wang 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (30 shots)

Alexei Shirov still welcome which has played its part and has not done anywhere in 6 rounds even though he was already qualified (:))) Well here it is true there were only 6 rounds but hey .. .. Crazy colors opposite here ... no way to lose even against Fritz .... (:)))
Kramnik here by no cons Wang Hao had to play sitting in shots on goal against Aronian, after the 2 blitz-breaker, 1-1, then the famous Guillotine (I think the adrenaline must increase substantially) took place. As a reminder 5 minutes for white and black for 4 minutes with an obligation to win with white. After the draw it was found that whites would Levon Aronian. Although the final position is zero, in this case no mercy, go to the end and Kramnik wins the 86th shot at time.

Players for the Final Chess Masters in Bilbao in October are:
Magnus Carlsen NOR
2826 World No. 1 Viswanathan Anand
IND 2800 World No. 3 and World Champion. Vladimir Kramnik
RUS 2780 No. 5 worldwide former world champion Alexei Shirov
ESP 2749 World No. 12 probably will return home every night to be Zen ......(:)))

I did not put the blitz-breaker ....



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