Sunday, September 12, 2010

21st Birthday Poems Asking For Money

InventiChess 2010 September 3 to 11 in Antwerp, Belgium. Chess Festival on Sept. 2 at the Town Hall of Antwerp. That's over and GMI German Georg Meir tounoi wins with 6.5 / 9 followed by the Belgian Bart Michiels MI 6 / 9 and received his GM norm! Final Chess Masters Bilbao

The fifth edition will take place from the InventiChess 3 to 11 September 2010 in Antwerp.
For this 5th anniversary Antwerp (Antwerpen) will be celebrated during the week.
The company invented : C ee marketing and sales management is the main sponsor.

From 2 to 11 there will be three chess events in three different places.

It will begin September 2, 2010 with the "Chess Festival in the city hall of Antwerp, the 3 most beautiful rooms of the hotel City will be transformed into a palace of chess, a lot of activity, with simultaneous clock, partly blind, Blitz demonstration and lessons for beginners and experienced players with the GMI Jan Timman.

In interviews you will find even Bart De Wever is addicted to chess, all interviews in Dutch InventiChess , in broken French with Google translator .

Young will play in Den Wolsack
Youth -16 -12 5 and 6 September from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for - 16. For - 12 years 8 September from 14.00 to 17.00. For youth there will be for each category of age 8 and 8 Belgian participants from the Netherlands.

Some pictures of young Belgian players that I took during the International Open Cappelle-la-Grande .2010 Youth who participate in the tournament, Eva Baekel, Thibault Thibault and Nicola Capone.
Photo © Jean-Michel Delfosse The game of chess a passion.
Eva Baekelant
Eva Baelelant
Nicola Capone
Nicola Capone
 Real Thibault
Thibault Real

headquarters invention where the CEO will play and the players of the tournament standards.

CEO failures: 11 September 11:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The tournament standards GMI Class X .
Last year the tournament had reached a category XV, the winner was the Israeli GM Emil Sustovky 2676 elo with 7 / 9, the French GM Etienne Bacrot meanwhile had finished in 3rd place with 5 , 5 / 9 and only Belgium was represented MI Bart Michiels he finished 9th out of 10 place with 2.5 / 9 he had made such a draw against Etienne Bacrot! There had been a participant of charm, the Bulgarian GM Antoaneta Stefanova 2451 women who finished 8 th with 4 / 9.

Cadence tournament GMI: 1:30 + 30 minutes all with an increment of 30 seconds

The Participants normes du Tournoi à GMI ainsi que quelques photos que j'ai prises à l'occasion the diverse Tournois.

GMI Meier Georg GER 2659
Ivan Sokolov BIH GMI 2641 GMI
Istratescu Andrei ROU 2631
MI Mher Hovhanisian ARM 2474
MI Michiels Bart BEL 2459
MI-January Willem De Jong NED 2444
MI Hautot Stephane BEL 2409
MI Geert Van der Stricht BEL 2392
MF Stefan Docx BEL 2342
MP Tom Piceu BEL 2331

Bart Michiels at a chess tournament ....

Photo Jean-Michel Delfosse, The game of chess a passion. Merdum is me (:))))

Stéphane Hautot

Stéphane Hautot during a chess tournament .....

Photo © Jean-Michel Delfosse, The game of chess a passion. Merdum it's me again (:))))

The festivities (;)))

Round 1: 09/03/2010 at 14:00
Round 2: 09/04/2010 at 14:00
Round 3: 09/05/2010 at 14:00
Round 4: 09/06/2010 at 14:00
Round 5: 09.07.2010 at 14:00
Round 6: 09/08/2010 at 14:00
Round 7: on 09/09/2010 at 14:00
Round 8: 10/09/2010 at 14:00
Round 9: 11/09/2010 at 14:00

THE RESULTS OF YOUNG I must go down because the results are all over ...

THE DIRECT You must click the part you want

The pairings

Round 1
Van der Stricht Hautot vs. 0-1 (71 shots)
Michiels vs. Istratescu 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (38 shots)
Piceu Hovhanisian vs. 0-1 (63 shots)
Docx vs Sokolov 1-0 (32 shots)
Meier vs. de Jong 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (46 shots)

Me I really liked the final Tour de Stéphane Hautot (note I have watched as this lack of time, lol). Seriously and it is not easy to play along, the price of fame!

Round 2
Hautot vs. De Jong 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (31 shots)
Sokolov vs. Meier 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (46 shots)
Hovhanisian Docx vs 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (38 shots)
Istratescu Piceu vs. 1-0 (47 shots)
Van der Strich Michiels vs 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (39 moves)

Photo © Frans Peeters
When Chess Festival at the town hall of Antwerp September 2, 2010, great place!
Really great game, just beautiful! SLIDESHOW

Round 3
Michiels vs Hautot 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (24 shots)
Piceu vs Van der Stricht 1-0 (50 shots )
Docx vs Istratescu 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (47 shots)
Meier vs. Hovhanisian 1-0 (46 shots)
De Jong vs. Sokolov 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (24 shots)

Round 4
Hautot Sokolov vs. 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (1930 coups)
Hovhanisian vs Young 0-1 (1936 coups)
Istratescu vs. Meier 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (25 coups)
Van der Stricht Docx vs 1-0 (1933 coups)
Michiels vs Piceu 1-0 (1956 coups)

Round 5
Piceu vs. Hautot 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (1960 coups)
Docx vs Michael 0-1 (1937 coups)
Meier vs Van der Stricht 1-0 (1937 coups)
Young vs. Istratescu 0-1 (1930 coups)
Sokolov vs. Hovhanisian 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (1944 coups)

Classement après 5 rounds:
Meir Georg 2659 3.5 / 5
Istratescu Andrei 2631 3.5 / 5
Bart Michiels 2459 3.5 / 5
Hautot Stéphane 3 / 5
De Jong Jan-Willem 2.5 / 5
Sokolov ivan 2 / 5
Hovhanisian Mher 2 / 5
Docx Stefan 2 / 5
Geert Van der Stricht 1.5 / 5
Piceu Tom 1.5 / 9

Round 6
Hautot vs. Hovhanisian 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (39 shots)
Istratescu Sokolov vs. 0-1 (53 shots)
Van der Stricht vs. De Jong 0 - 1 (40 shots)
Michiels vs Meier 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (35 shots)
Piceu Docx vs 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (25 shots)


I'll try to make a small dot on the possible standards
Bart Michiels and Stéphane Hautot.
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
1.0. Requirements for The Title désigné in 0.31

For MI Bart Michiels 2459 elo: The average elo opponents Bart is elo 2480.33 if I am not mistaken it must achieve a score of 6 out of 9 for his GM norm, he already has 4 to 6 and should realize an additional 2 points sur 3. Bart a encore toutes ses chances c'est encore possible.

Pour le MF Stéphane Hautot 2409 elo: La moyenne elo de ses adversaires est de 2485,88 elo et il doit réaliser également un score final de 6 sur 9. Actuellement Stéphane a 3,5/6 donc il doit réaliser 2,5/3. Un peu plus difficile mais est mathématiquement possible! Néanmoins si Stéphane échoue malheureusement pour sa norme de GMI pas de soucis.... J'explique Stéphane n'a toujours pas son titre de maître international, bizarre, mais bien il pourra faire une norme de MI puisque là il doit obtenir un score de 4,5/9 donc 1 point sur 3.

Bon courage!!

Ronde 7
Docx vs Hautot 0 - 1 (23 coups)
Meier vs Piceu 1 - 0 (23 coups)
De Jong vs Michiels 1/2 - 1/2 (17 coups)
Sokolov vs Van der Stricht 1 - 0 (24 coups)
Hovhanisian vs Istratescu 0 - 1 (74 coups)

Ronde 7

Docx Stefan 2342
Hautot Stéphane 2409

Stéfane Docx just push d5 the 21st time, personally I like the position of blacks.

Stéphane But in this beautiful location will commit the irreparable! Fatigue, stress, lack of time I know absolutely nothing .... The exchange on d5 seems not bad yet ...

21. ... Ne5? 22. dxe6! (Important intermediate move) CxFc4 23. TxTd8 and Stéphane must abandoned because it is fucking ... for example .. 23. TxTd8 24. DxCc4 and lose a piece if test Fou e8 save his 24th shot at without taking the pawn on e6, follow a discovered check by 25. e7 + FF7 26. exTd8 = D + DxDd8 and you move the Lady in d4 example ..... And yes some times does nothing at all, shame ..... But it does not matter even 2 parts, what is done is not worth bitching and look ahead!

Round 8
Hautot Istratescu vs. 1-0 (54 shots)
Van der Stricht Hovhanisian vs. 0-1 (59 moves)
Michiels Sokolov vs. 1-0 (18 shots)
Piceu vs. De Jong 0-1 (47 shots)
Docx vs Meir 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (44 shots)

If I just, Bart Michiels is near the feat! The standard of GMI is nearby ....
Calm and concentration ...
Victory Stéphane Hautot facing the Romanian GM, he should be happy, lol!

MI Belgian Bart Michiels miniaturize the GMI Ivan Sokolov!

Round 8

Bart Michiels 2459
Ivan Sokolov 2641
poisition The following is a portion of the 3 riders.

Compared to the diagram above where Stephen had a good position but he made a gaffe, it was already white! But blacks have sped things up by playing 14 ..... Qc7? Note for ratings obsessed elo there are 200 points difference between the MI Bart Michiels and the Sokolov GMI. A very nice plan of attack!
15. FF4! the massacre begins, deviation of the Lady, look who nailed the Tower Black Knight e7, and on the 4th row in the banshee and a4 on the same row the Lady in Black f4, you need a plan to release the knight on d4 15 ..... DF4 16. TxCe7 +! RxTe7 17. Cxc6 +! Here the row is released 17. .. Fxc6 18. DxDf4 here .... 1-0 very nice.

And that was not enough for our Belgian recovered well from yesterday Stéphane Hautot in turn beats Itrastescu GMI 2361, more than 200 points difference (:))) So basically it has nothing to do with the score when we play it to win it all! Here I suggest another pattern and another aspect of chess, there is the attack is great when it happens but if it's the final ...

Round 8

Hautot Stéphane 2409
Andrei Istratescu 2631

Stéphane has sacrificed two pawns before the Fool ....

44 .... f4 see diagram 45. g4 prefers seen pushing his pawn to h6 Buildings Andrei places his pawns on black box has a box Stéphane Mad white boxes ... 46. h3 Rb4 attacks b3 pawn to try to get a passed pawn on the column 47. fd1 protection b pawn to take the pawn on d3 is not a good idea because as I said a passed pawn, so Stephen will check the pawn and the black pawn past and protected f4 and attention in this case .... Ra3 48. Rxd4 Rb2 49. Rc4 Rc1 50. Ff3 Rd2 51. RB5 Re3 52. FC6 f3 53. Rxa5 f2 54. Fg2 b pawn and quickly go to Dame 1-0

Round 9
Meir Hautot vs. 1-0 (27 shots)
vs. De Jong docx 0-1 (76 shots)
Sokolov vs. Piceu 1-0 (27 shots)
Hovhanisian Michiels vs 1 / 2 - 1 / 2 (15 shots)
Istratescu vs. Van der Stricht 1-0 (34 shots)

Favorite Belgian side!

- Stéphane Hautot had to bow down quickly against the winner of the tournament Georg Meir, damage that he has been miniaturized in the 7th round despite his good position at round 8 a magnificent victory cons GMI Itrastescu Andrei! Despite his 7th place Stephane did a great tournament! Stephane I do not know how many standards of MI, because I think he has already made several ... In fact he wants to break the record for obtaining standard MI without having perhaps ....(:)))

- Bart Michiels seeing the final ranking that speaks for itself, he finished 2nd and before two GMI and yes that alone! Bart gets a standard GM hat!

Final standings:

Meier Georg 2659 6.5 / 9
Bart Michiels 2459 6 / 9
Itratescu Andrei 5.5 / 9
Ivan Sokolov 5 / 9
De Jong Jan-Willem 2444 5 / 9
Stefan Docx 4.5 / 9
Stephane Hautot 4.5 / 9
Hovhanisian Mher 4 / 9
Piceu Tom 2 / 9
Geert van der Stricht 1.5 / 9

Another test viewer ....... lol


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