Monday, August 23, 2010

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France Chess Championship in Belfort in 2010 from 9 to 21 August. It's over ... Nice little comments about my friend Veronica Houck! And it ends with a bit of art .... and this is the closing night ..... lol decompression

Véronique Houck en pleine concentration! Who does not know Veronica? lol

Vero: Belfort was good, I especially appreciated Anatoly Karpov to meet whom I was introduced by JC Moingt, Spassky was more withdrawn and especially it will not support Karpov on his election as President of FIDE, I attended the press conference was a very interesting debate. Then there was the simultaneous data they have but I have not been selected at random!

Jean-Mi: And now Vero has another passion lol

Vero: now I'm collecting signatures on a carpet of Champions Chess (not carpet JM poker lol), I would Kasparov Anand and I will see when they come to France!

Jean-Mi: tell them to go through before Tournai, lol, VLA me that I think this will all chess champions, so you rattle Like it (:))) there are not enough women (:))) I will still make me gun!

A short slide show, press conference, simutanée with Anatoly Karpov and Boris Spaskky etc. ... all photos of Veronica Houck.

Small portrait of Vero (you'll see that I am always wise)

- Vero loves painting on chess, I laid a little something some time ago with his son Benjamin Wiebouw nicknamed Bibou and we saw some nice pictures , remember . (including a custom please, because Veronica is difficult thing, lol)

- Keep talking of art that's why I put the blog Fabrice Touvron "Chronicle a chess player " link on the championship of France, because this was Mécèn'Arts, article on Chess and Fab .
Fab is the one who had allowed Leo Battesti to an article due to his work on statistics, remember ! (Fab's blog)

- Well I must tell you something, I know nothing about art, love or I do not like this ....

- What is funny is that I did a little article on Gabrielle Laroche presents current works of Michel Kiriliuk including "The chess table" in fact the table is great but I will not play over there too afraid of breaking, remember!

- During the championship of France, I received an email from Patrick Drieu, well I'm going to put it, the attention I mimimun 75% on all sales, but no I'm kidding (:)))

I quote Patrick Drieu!

In 1991, during the Chess Championship of France in Montpellier I outlined a series of drawings.
These and many others are now compiled in a book "Funny Chess" I invite you to discover on this link.
Edilivre Funny Chess


Patrick Drieu

That concludes the championship of France 2010!



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